
Can Filipino workers be hired

Can Filipino workers be hired here? Recently, a company replied to my job application. They don't have a Filipino worker in their company. I am a Filipino worker who currently finding job. I know that the language barrier will be the first problem to occur. Since i don't really speak and understand chineese mandarin very well. Is there a chance that companies will hire me? Although i am fluent in english. 

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回答 6


Hello questioner:
There are relevant laws and regulations on how foreign migrant workers can find jobs in Taiwan. It is recommended that you apply for a work permit in compliance with the laws and regulations.


i don't think language will be a barrier specials apply a new job in semiconductor industry or some global company. And the know-how knowledge and method is almost the same only the language different.


1. 語言:可以明確看到題主表示中文不是很好,主要英文才是工作語言
2. 國籍及產業:非臺灣籍但屬於半導體產業,對於是否有居留證等工作許可沒有特別描述

1. 在半導體產業裡面,如果是高管或者外貿為主的公司,理論上不會有什麼問題,但是如題主說的純本地人為主的公司,基本很困難,建議還是要看看其他外貿或者外資為主的公司
2. 在臺灣工作的外國人需要居留證或者工作許可,這點務必需要題主明白,同時部分公司對於外籍員工聘請意願也會比較低,當然,如果題主是國外到台擔任高管或高級研發、國家急需的人才等,會比較容易



Yes, Filipino workers can be hired in Taiwan. In fact, the Taiwanese government is considering hiring more Filipino workers and offering them permanent residency. This is because Filipino workers are known for their hard work, dedication, and adaptability.

While it is true that the language barrier can be a challenge for Filipino workers in Taiwan, it is not insurmountable. Many Taiwanese companies are willing to hire Filipino workers who are fluent in English, especially in industries such as manufacturing, hospitality, and tourism.

Here are some tips for Filipino workers who are looking for jobs in Taiwan:

Focus on your English skills. Make sure that you are fluent in English and that you can communicate effectively in both written and spoken form.
Highlight your relevant skills and experience. When applying for jobs, be sure to emphasize your skills and experience that are relevant to the position you are applying for.
Network with other Filipino workers in Taiwan. There are many Filipino communities in Taiwan, and networking can be a great way to learn about job opportunities and get advice from other Filipino workers.
Be patient and persistent. It may take some time to find a job in Taiwan, but don't give up. Keep applying for jobs and networking with other Filipino workers.
If you are interested in working in Taiwan, I recommend that you visit the website of the Workforce Development Agency (WDA) of the Ministry of Labor. The WDA provides information on job opportunities in Taiwan, as well as information on the visa and work permit requirements for foreign workers.

I hope this information is helpful. Good luck with your job search!



The answer is positive.
Yes. There is a lot of opportunity for foreigners.

Couple general tips for you.

1.Use Resume Clinic
Taiwanese resume has our own unique culture. You must have profile picture, autobiography whatnot. In 104 standard resume template, you can set up #working skills, also project achievement. Please fill in as much as possible, and seeking for Giver feedback.

2.Focus on mid-large size Tech Company
If you are in Business, or Engineering background, try mid-size Tech Company will be a good start. Most of Taiwanese Tech Company are aiming global market. They have bunch of employee speak English (no matter fluent or okay level). Fluent English is always a plus.
Mid-Large size company usually has bigger, experienced HR team can support your working VISA issue or related immigrant processes.

3.Focus on your strength not weakness
I know you are struggle on your weakness which is Mandarin.
Job searching should focus on your strength. In your resume, autobiography, interview, you should mention below key points.
a) You should be? a trilingual-- Tagalog, English, Chinese.
b) Your education background, certification, license, patent, project and research
c) Your personality, and soft skill, as a foreigner, usually we are natural fast-learner, manage stressful situation, flexible, and maybe something else.

Don't just mention "I am sorry, I don't speak Chinese well."
You should be proud on the mother tone you have, and you speak 2nd, 3rd languages.

I am a Taiwanese working in US now. I know how difficult it is to work in a different country. However, Language skill is not equal to communication skill.
I am proud of my simple English, and asking silly questions like how to spell XXX. Because most of time, I am not the only person who has English as 2nd language. Simple language brings clarity for communication most of time~


Wish you good luck!!


it is not that much different in workplaces in the world. Employers always decide to hire someone whom meets expectations of professional, work experience, abilities, expected salary, personality and etc.

And different countries have different regulations of hiring foreigners. An enterprise which does what it promises to its employees definitely follows rules.

Therefore, maybe the question shall be “ what a foreigner can contribute to company's growth while being hired” instead, when seek an overseas job opportunity?

Best regards,





