- 未填公司未填職務31-35歲
Job Seeking | Researcher
I am Lutimba Stuart with a vivid interest in understanding of how biomolecules holistically interact in complex biological systems, so as to take part in the development of new or improvement on the existing atomistic predictive models that can better explain drug-protein interactions in disease. I have built my skills and expertise in elucidating the relationship between sequence, structure and function of macromolecules as well as their interaction. This has been through the application of Structural Bioinformatics approaches not limited to computational modeling (all atom and Coarse grained molecular dynamics simulations), free energy perturbation but also macro molecular modeling and docking (ligand based and structure based docking). I have been at the exposure of some structural bioinformatics projects that have nurtured my expertise in understanding the molecular interaction and mechanism of the underlying atomistic mechanisms. I am thus eager to take challenges and expatiate on my experience through the application and development of the state-of-the-art MD simulation approaches and Molecular modeling approaches tailored to elucidate the underlying molecular interactions for the ultimate goal of drug development.
Hi Lutimba Stuart, are you having trouble finding a job in bioinformatics? Or have other related questions? I understand your major and experience in bioinformatics, if you have other questions, please ask again.
Have a nice day
Hi Ivy,
Sure that's right I am finding trouble finding a placement for a bioinformatics position, please. I will kindly be grateful if you give a hand, please.