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Can Filipino workers be hired
Can Filipino workers be hired here? Recently, a company replied to my job application. They don't have a Filipino worker in their company. I am a Filipino worker who currently finding job. I know that the language barrier will be the first problem to occur. Since i don't really speak and understand chineese mandarin very well. Is there a chance that companies will hire me? Although i am fluent in english.
Hello questioner:
There are relevant laws and regulations on how foreign migrant workers can find jobs in Taiwan. It is recommended that you apply for a work permit in compliance with the laws and regulations.
i don't think language will be a barrier specials apply a new job in semiconductor industry or some global company. And the know-how knowledge and method is almost the same only the language different.
1. 語言:可以明確看到題主表示中文不是很好,主要英文才是工作語言
2. 國籍及產業:非臺灣籍但屬於半導體產業,對於是否有居留證等工作許可沒有特別描述
1. 在半導體產業裡面,如果是高管或者外貿為主的公司,理論上不會有什麼問題,但是如題主說的純本地人為主的公司,基本很困難,建議還是要看看其他外貿或者外資為主的公司
2. 在臺灣工作的外國人需要居留證或者工作許可,這點務必需要題主明白,同時部分公司對於外籍員工聘請意願也會比較低,當然,如果題主是國外到台擔任高管或高級研發、國家急需的人才等,會比較容易