- 未填公司未填職務31-35歲
Job Search as a Foreigner
Hi everyone,
I’m a foreigner looking to move to Taiwan for work (previously worked in mainland China). My background is in foreign market operations for software companies, with experience in GTM, social media operations, content operations, and AI (over the past two years).
I’d love to get some advice on best practices for crafting a resume and approaching recruiters in Taiwan. Are there any specific expectations or common practices I should be aware of when applying for jobs?
My English level is C2. Total work exp: 12+ years.
Thanks in advance!

If you are interested in working in Taiwan, I recommend that you visit the website of the Workforce Development Agency (WDA) of the Ministry of Labor. The WDA provides information on job opportunities in Taiwan, as well as information on the visa and work permit requirements for foreign workers.
I hope this information is helpful. Good luck with your job search!
1 你是一位外籍求職者,曾在中國工作,專長於軟體產業的海外市場營運,想了解台灣求職的履歷撰寫與招募流程。
2 履歷格式簡潔明瞭:台灣企業偏好條列式履歷,重點放在經歷、技能與成果,篇幅1-2頁為佳。
3 強調可量化成果:列舉過去的KPI、業績成長數據,如市場擴展率、轉換率提升等,提高履歷吸引力。
4 中文履歷更具優勢:若能提供中英文履歷,更容易通過初步篩選,特別是本地公司與HR團隊。
5 LinkedIn與104同步運用:台灣企業常透過104人力銀行與LinkedIn招聘,建議主動經營個人頁面。
6 強調在台灣的可工作性:明確說明簽證狀況、可否自行申請工作許可,以降低企業疑慮。
7 尋找外商與國際導向企業:外商、台灣新創與科技公司較歡迎外籍人才,提升成功機率。
8 主動接觸獵頭與HR:可透過LinkedIn或104主動聯繫台灣專業獵才顧問與公司HR。
9 適應當地薪資水準:研究台灣市場薪資標準,確保期望薪資符合產業行情,以免影響錄取率。
10 強調跨文化經驗:台灣企業重視與國際市場的銜接,具備大中華區或海外市場經驗是加分項。
11 參與在台灣的專業社群:加入LinkedIn台灣職場群組、參加業界論壇,有助於建立人脈。
12 在履歷中呈現AI相關經驗時,應該強調實際應用場景、貢獻的價值、技術工具以及對業務的影響,具體可以這樣撰寫:
a. 簡潔有力的標題(加強關鍵字匹配)
AI & Market Operations Specialist | GTM & Content Strategy | AI-driven Social Media Growth
b. 經歷描述示範(使用 STAR 方法:情境、任務、行動、結果)
[公司名稱] – Foreign Market Operations Manager (AI-focused)
AI 自動化內容營運:利用 ChatGPT、Midjourney 及 Hugging Face API 開發自動化內容生產管線,提升社交媒體運營效率 50%+。
市場分析與數據應用:運用 AI 驅動的數據分析工具(如 Tableau、Python、OpenAI API),優化 GTM 策略,使用戶轉換率提高 30%。
AI 客戶互動與支援:建立 AI 聊天機器人 提供即時回應,減少 40% 客服負擔,提高用戶滿意度。
跨部門 AI 專案管理:與技術團隊合作,導入 NLP 模型於市場洞察,優化內容推薦,提升用戶參與度 20%。
c. 技能區域(強調 AI 相關工具)
AI & Data Tools:ChatGPT API, OpenAI, Hugging Face, Midjourney, Python (Pandas, Scikit-learn), Tableau, Google AutoML
Marketing & GTM:AI-driven Market Analysis, AI Content Automation, Predictive Analytics
d 這樣能突顯你如何運用 AI 技術來提升市場營運成效,並強調你的技術與商業影響力,對 AI 產品、市場數據分析、內容行銷等角色都有競爭力!
13 祝福你。
Hi, as a seasoned expert with 12+ years of experience under your belt, writing resume shouldn’t be unfamiliar to you. What you need to do is tailor the content to the job posting website you’re aiming for. For example, https://www.cake.me/resumes and https://profile.104.com.tw/ each have different resume formats.
And since you seem to be able to read Mandarin just fine, https://blog.104.com.tw/ is a treasure trove you can dig into. It covers everything from resume and interview tips to delicate issues like workplace bullying.
Aside from the nitty-gritty, understanding how to legally work in Taiwan as an expat is paramount, especially if you’re one of those nationals ineligible for the visa exemption. It would impact your extension of stay should your work permit or residence visa expire.
Read this article for more information, and good luck with your job hunting!