
No company calling

I am Ph.D. Chemistry from Taiwan and I am a foreigner trying for the job and applied to many, no company calling fan or interview. Most of them does not reply to say status whether they found other candidates. Shall I need to attache my Chinese resume with the application? please help me to get a job asap. Thanks.

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回答 3

Few suggestions

1. If nobody calling, must be something wrong with your resume.
Go to resume clinic looking for help. You can have free one on one resume discussion with a Giver.

2. Make sure you fill in everything in 104 resume, including prefer title (cover multiple/all job title you want), select correct working field and industry.
Add few projects (其他-》專案成就).
Describes your professional experience with clear accomplishment.

3. Autobiography and picture is a MUST in Taiwan.

4. Set up # hashtags key words in working experience , skills and projects.

5. If you can speak conversational Chinese, but not confident on writing. Find a friend to write at least a Chinese cover letter for you. Pure chemistry industry may not use English as common language.
If possible, try global tech companies first.

6. Call all your friends with a job. Contact your professor, school career center, alumni. It is time to do some networking.

Keep trying, don’t give up!!!

Wish you good luck~


1. I am PhD Chemistry from Taiwan and I am a foreigner trying for job and applied many, no company calling for interview. Most of them does not reply to sa status whether they found other candidates. please help me to get a job asap.
2. Foreigner get a job in Taiwan has restrict on minimum salary, company need to pay higher salary for you to get resident permit.
3. in this case means company need to pay extra salary, if company do not know you will reject your resume mostly.
4. The proper way is go back to your professor to recommend you into specific company.
5. Best Regards.


It is probably a resume issue or a industry selection issue, or both.

There are some restrictions for foreigner to work in Taiwan (work permit related) but if you find the right company, it should not be a major issue. You can find a few Givers in the 104 platform and seek for advice as your question is not specific enough. Good luck.

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