- 未填公司未填職務31-35歲
1.這裡是看不到你的履歷 ,你可以去104履歷健檢 ,可以幫你從履歷中修飾 ,也許有你要的答案.
2.你給的資料不齊全 ,你是因唸書及工作的關係在台灣生活 ,那有取得台灣永久居留證與工作證嗎? ,需要額外申請台灣工作許可嗎? ,你也了解外國人在台工作之限制嗎?
3.學校和系所應該也有合作的企業 ,可以透過學校推薦 ,或透過學長姐的推薦和介紹 ,這些管道你都試過了嗎?
4.英文很好 ,可以投遞外資企業 ,相對你會比較有語言上的優勢.
以上希望有回答到你的問題 ,也希望你能不吝給予肯定 ,祝福你.
1. 履歷優化:確保你的履歷清晰、專業,並且針對不同的工作職位進行調整。強調你的專業背景和在臺北科技大學的學習經歷,尤其是機械工程相關的技能和專案經驗。
2. 語言提升:雖然你的英文能力很好,但在台灣工作,中文能力也是很重要的。持續提升中文能力,尤其是商業和技術相關的詞彙,這會對你在面試中表現更好有幫助。
3. 網絡拓展:參加專業的研討會、工作坊或是相關的社交活動,拓展你在台灣的專業人脈。這不僅可以增加你獲得工作機會的可能性,也能讓你更了解當地的職場文化。
4. 面試技巧:準備面試時,除了專業技能,還要了解公司文化和他們的需求。練習如何用英文和有限的中文去表達你的優勢和對公司的貢獻。
5. 使用求職平台:利用104人力銀行等求職平台,這些平台上有許多公司在招募人才,同時也能提供一些履歷健診的服務,幫助你提升履歷的質量。
Good evening,
Based on your situation, here are some recommendations to help improve your job search strategy:
1.Customize your resume for each application:
It’s crucial to tailor your resume by highlighting the specific skills and experiences that align with the job description. This targeted approach can significantly increase your chances of catching a recruiter’s attention and demonstrating that you’re the right fit for the role.
2.Leverage your international background and language proficiency:
Your unique position as someone who has received education in Taiwan and is fluent in English can be a strong selling point. Make sure to clearly emphasize your ability to work in diverse, multicultural environments and communicate complex technical concepts in English. This can set you apart, especially for companies looking for global talent.
3.Build your professional network and engage with industry communities:
Utilize platforms like LinkedIn to expand your network and participate in relevant industry events or groups. Networking can often lead to hidden opportunities and increase your visibility to potential employers, making you a more familiar candidate when positions open up.
By refining your approach with these strategies, you may create more opportunities to connect with the right employers.
Wish you have a great future!