


How to develop my career plan

Hi Sir,
•I am a chemical engineer
• Look for a Project management/ FAE/ pre-sale/ supplier quality management job in world scales chemical material or semiconductor material or healthcare or pharmaceutical medicine company.
• I have 2+ years of R&D experience in organic/inorganic/ energetic materials synthesis/analysis and publish 4 international journals.
• And 5+ years of semiconductor manufacturing process experience as TSMC process engineer and Assembly Die Bond process engineer in American company.
• Good at learning/integrating/ brainstorming/team work.
• I Passion to help people and run projects to help the organization business.

My question is I work hard as workaholic but I don't know my gift and where to develop my career to contribute passion and gain money/reputation. I prefer to work in one company for the rest of my working life.

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回答 3

1. I was a workaholic as well during past 30 years, and just adjust life style in recent 2 years. It’s under different age and stage, we need to put all things into consideration while you plan your career. I felt the same as you during your age. It’s great that you have considered your long term goal at this moment. The golden stage is between 30-45 years.
2. From information, your current career idea is for PM/FAE/Pre-sale/SQM job, that seems that you have intention to change career to be more customer facing job scope. It will be quite different from past experience. And for each function, it requires some specific skills, you need to study and get ready for the coming challenge.
3. Your past job in RD and process engineer, it’s a value added experience to go to customer facing job. Since you have technical background, it will help you to deal with customer well. It’s important that you need to have good communication and interpersonal skill.
4. For making more money, one choice is to be people management in long term, but now lots of organization becomes flat, it’s possible that management roles will be less than before. When you choose next career, remember to choose the job that is helpful to your next move, either internally or externally. Maybe money is not the 1st key point at this stage.
5. For changing to different function, it’s easier to transfer internally instead of jumping into another company in the beginning. If current company can offer you chance to transfer, it will be a good way for the start.
6. I ever worked for a good international company for 18 years, and experience for company spin-off 2 times. It’s our glory days. But now the whole economic environment keeps changing, no need to stick to the idea to stay in one company for rest of life. You need to consider your career path based on your strength, interest, and long term goal. Of course, company future is important too.
7. You have passion, good luck will follow you! Keep going!



1. I am a chemical engineer,2+ years of R&D experience,5+ years of semiconductor manufacturing process experience.
2. 由於您專注投入現職工作,努力與經歷已經說明您屬潛力可被培養人員,問題只是職涯途徑要怎麼走。
3. 以製程工程師為起點,接下來可走資深製程工程師,資深研發製程工程師,將製程專業越磨越利,成就終身半導體製程專家,薪資與榮耀無虞。
4. 以製程工程師為起點,接下來可走製程經理,副廠長,半導體廠長,副總經理,走進管理路線,發揮您工作的熱誠提升組織效能,薪資與榮耀無虞。
5. 祝福您。



This is Jeff Hung, thanks for your
questions through this job career clinics. Following your description of your
personality, I do humbly suggest you to look for project management and pre-sale
jobs which are more humans handling
perspectives and you have the gift on
these area as well while FAE and Quality
jobs are more technology oriented. TSMC is one of the best technology companies
in Taiwan, also as you might know,TSMC will have a brand new factory in USA and for sure also will have new in Taiwan, you can leverage this information and stay /
grow together with this company since
you are or were there before, then
transfer to different positions within this company gradually as your interesting.
Hope all the above help you, go go 💪!

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