- 未填公司未填職務31-35歲
IT jobs for foreigners?
Hi, please share tips on how foriegners can get software jobs here in taiwan?

Some tips for reference :
1. Software capability / background are the most important factors.
2. Can adapt / communicate to local people as a team for team work.
3. At least got the related IT bachelor degree.
4. Can leverage back to your country as a plus, like India, USA, etc.
Wish u good luck 💪~
Hi, As your question is quite general, it's challenging to give specific advice. The following are some tips for foreigners to look for jobs in Taiwan.
First, you can visit the English website for foreigners at 104. If you want to apply for the jobs you are interested in, please read the application instructions first. https://www.104.com.tw/expats/
Second, if you need a one on one review for your resume, you can find some givers on 104's resume clinic (履歷診療室)
Third, for more information about the Taiwan job market, 104's blog (職場力) will give you some good insights. https://blog.104.com.tw/engineering-research-and-development-job/
I hope these tips will help you find a suitable job soon, and you are welcome to raise more questions during your job search.