
apply as a foreign student 

1. "As an international student studying Chinese in NTNU , already 4 months, and want to learn 1 year more (then apply master), am I eligible to apply for internship positions?"

2. "What common questions do employers typically ask for the position I am applying for?"

3. "With my current CV, are there any areas that need improvement to attract more attention from employers?"

回答 3觀看 533
回答 3

Hi there,
I assume that you've been with MTC of NTNU for over 4 months, and you're asking now for ;

Question 1 :
is it eligible for you to apply internship position ?
Echo 1:
According to the government regulation, you need to apply for a working permit first, then you can work for private enterprises, but subject to 20 hours per week as a ceiling.
The business entity that hires you will be responsible to help you get the permit.

Question 2 :
"What common questions do employers typically ask for the position I am applying for?"
Echo 2 :
Since you didn't mention any specific information of the type of business or the company you're applying for, I can merely echo back with those most commonly-asked questions across those major domains like ;
a. please make a brief introduction of yourself
b. where and how did you get the information of this vacancy ?
c. what makes you believe you're the most suitable candidate for the job ?
d. what are your strength and weakness again this position ?
e. since you're still a student now, how will you manage the balance of your school work and our requirement of this job ?
f. what do you expect for the compensation package ?

Question 3 :
Comment on your CV
Echo 3 :
I am not able to retrieve any of your CV from the attachment, so no comment on this topic at this moment.



1. 作為一名在國立台灣師範大學學習中文的國際學生,如果您已經學習了四個月並且希望再學習一年後申請碩士學位,那麼您可能有資格申請實習職位。不過,具體資格可能取決於實習機構的要求以及您的簽證類型。在台灣,許多公司對於實習生的招募有一定的規定,建議您直接聯繫您感興趣的公司或學校的國際事務辦公室以獲取詳細資訊。

2. 在申請實習職位時,雇主通常會問一些常見問題,例如:
- 請簡單介紹一下自己。
- 您為什麼對這個實習機會感興趣?
- 您有哪些相關的技能或經驗?
- 您在團隊合作中擔任過什麼角色?
- 您如何處理壓力或挑戰?
- 您對未來的職業規劃是什麼?

3. 關於您的履歷,建議您考慮以下幾個方面來吸引更多雇主的注意:
- 確保您的履歷清晰且具體,突出您的技能和經驗。
- 強調與您申請的實習職位相關的學習或工作經歷。
- 使用量化的方式來展示您的成就,例如參與過的專案或達成的目標。
- 檢查您的履歷是否有語法或拼寫錯誤。
- 如果可能,請專業人士進行履歷健診,獲得專業建議。

- 104 履歷健診  https://resume-clinic.104.com.tw/exhibition/129

As a foreign student who is studying Chinese in NTNU, and wants to apply the internship in Taiwan after earring a master degree. Is he or she eligible for applying the internship in Taiwan? Well, you can ask the office of the international student in NTNU( if they have? ) for the requirements of the qualification. And, what comment question to ask for the position you’re applying, it is depending on the position you’re applying for. Most of information and the basic personal backgrounds have already shown on your resume. So, If I am the employer and you’re the freshman for your first job, I will want to know what kind of professional skills and experience for the position you are applying for. For example that you are applying the position in software engineering field, you need to show any skills or abilities to write a program or code for the needs of programming. You need to show the ability to debug the problem caused by the software and you have the solution to solve the problem. You need to show you have the ability to do the job on your own or be a team member of the team. You need to show that you have a willing mind to accept the new task or challenge from company’s assignments if the company needs to do this. You need to show the leadership ability once you lead a team, and so on…
For your current resume, you can check out the website of “104.com” or “1111.com” for how to write a resume. They also have examples for writing the resume. They also can provide the jobs information for the jobseekers. Check it out by yourself.

Good luck!

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